Kyrgyz Musical instruments

Musical instruments have always been the part of the Kyrgyz people and they are said to be very musical people. In the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan which you are going to travel on rented cars and you will be able to find out more facts about the country and the people. One of significant sides of the Kyrgyz people is epic Manas. It is known as the epic created in 16-17th century which was actually passing through generations. And in the 20th century Soviet investigators made a written variant of the epic. Starting tours in Kyrgyzstan you will be amazed by the fact that in the epic there are about 500,000 lines of text. Those men who retell the epic under the accompaniment of such instruments like komuz, temir-komuz, kyl-kyak, core, sorny, choor and zhetigen are known as manaschi. Travel in Kyrgyzstan rent cars trip and we will organize a tour which includes witnessing of such performance.

At the same time they are said to make the retelling without any interruption. Those men which you can witness during the tour in Kyrgyzstan who make an improvisation are known as akyns. These men are making it without improvisation. In case you have decided to travel in Kyrgyzstan you need to contact our managers and describe all your wishes and desires which are going to be main ones for the getting great travel experience.